The Different Types of EIFS
If you are trying to determine how you are going to finish the exterior of a building, it’s likely that EIFS installation has at least been discussed as a possibility. This extremely popular option includes both performance and aesthetic benefits, so it certainly deserves a place at or near the top of your priority list. But did you know there are different types of EIFS? You can customize the exact EIFS you’ll be using in order to meet your needs, so don’t think that this needs to be a one-size-fits-all kind of discussion.
A Common Standard
For starters, the EFIS that you will typically encounter is known at Type PB. This is the design that is used commonly, and for good reason – it is effective. Type PB includes expanded polystyrene insulation which is attached to the wall adhesively. From there, a glass fiber mesh-reinforced coating system is used to finish the job. For many projects, Type PB is going to be the perfect choice, and there won’t be any reason to look further. However, some jobs may have requirements that force you to look into other types of EIFS – and fortunately, there are plenty of variations to pick from before getting to work.
One Possible Alternative
Those in search for a thicker coating may be interested in Type PM EIFS. Here, the coatings are thicker and harder, making it behave more like stucco in the end. The polystyrene insulation may be mechanically attached to the underlying wall with Type PM, and that polystyrene can be either expanded or extruded. Of course, as you might expect, there is a cost to pay for having a thicker and harder coating. The price tag here is almost certainly going to be higher than with Type PB, so budget is something to keep in mind while making your decision.
Dealing with a Wood Frame?
When the structure in question features a wood frame you might want to consider another alternative, Type PI. This is another type which is mechanically attached to the wall, but rather than thicker coatings, it also has thin coatings much like the Type PB solution. This version of EIFS is used for wood framed structures.
More Options
Most likely, one of the options above is going to be the winner for your project – and in the vast majority of cases, that will be Type PB. However, some other variations have become available over the years, including those listed below –
• Type PB with rigid mineral wool insulation rather than expanded polystyrene
• Type PB with rigid fiberglass insulation boards
• Urethane which is applied via spray, sanded, and then finished with Type PB coatings
It’s important to work with someone who has plenty of EIFS experience in order to make the right decision for your structure. To be sure, there is a strong likelihood that traditional Type PB will be right for the job you have in mind, but think it through and get the advice you need before actually starting the job.