The Benefits of Hiring a Drywall Contractor for Your Office
With all the expenses of your day-to-day operations in your office, you may be tempted to save some money on the budget by cutting corners. While that’s a good...
With all the expenses of your day-to-day operations in your office, you may be tempted to save some money on the budget by cutting corners. While that’s a good...
What’s a tiny problem that causes big headaches? Crumbling caulk. It seems like a simple job to repair failing caulk, but it’s a process that requires skill and knowledge....
Durock® DEFS (Direct Applied Exterior Finish System) is a versatile cement board with many uses, including as a base for stucco and EIFS finishes. Cement boards are flame resistant,...
Whether it’s finishing the exterior of a new structure or updating the appearance of an older building, stucco remains a popular choice in finishes. It’s not a new idea;...
The more you invest in maintaining your building’s temperature, the more you need to think about installing the right roof insulation with the right R-Value* up front. This is...
A friend of ours likes to say “There’s no pancake thin enough that it doesn’t have two sides.” And so it is with stucco. On the plus side, stucco...
Stucco is a traditional, timeless choice for residential and commercial building experiences whose popularity has been unchallenged for many years. Innovative building materials like fiber cement, however, have begun...
Exterior Insulating Finish Systems (EIFS) were originally designed as a “perfect barrier” system, engineered to provide waterproofing protection at the exterior face of the cladding. In order to maintain...
Over the past few months, we’ve been examining various aspects of Exterior Insulating Finish Systems (EIFS), the proprietary, wall-cladding assemblies that combine rigid insulation board with water-resistant exterior coatings....
Exterior Insulating Finish Systems & The Green Building Revolution As the building industry continues to place an increasingly high priority on energy savings, the effort to create more energy-efficient...